Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Major Decline Of Fishes In The Sea

 As the Armor fishes develop over time and reproduce, we can see that humans are overfishing to the point that soon enough we will run out of food from the sea.

About the world population depends on seafood for their survival, yet sea creatures and fishes depends on us to reduce our appetite for their chance to populate. More than thousands of years ago, our ancestors had learned to fish to feed for themselves and their family. They've also taught the future generations to fish in order to live and survive. Now in the 21st century, we had gotten a lot better at fishing that we might just have declined our seafood supply.

According to Sheridan, big fishes such as tuna, cod, and groupers have declined worldwide by tho-thirds while the number of anchovies, sardines and capelin has surged in their absence, said University of British Columbia researchers (2011). Meanwhile, people around the world are fishing harder and coming up with the same or fewer numbers in their catch, indicating that humans may have maxed out the ocean's capacity to provide us with food (Sheridan 2011).

Researchers has concluded that in the past 40 years, about 54% of the population of fishes has declined tremendously, and if we keep fishing how we still are, in the next 40 years there may be no  fishes to feed the world population (Sheridan 2011). About 50% of the increase in the world's fish consumption for food comes from Eastern Asia, and about 42% of the increase is coming from China itself (Sheridan 2011). To protect us from over fishing the government has to set limits on how many a fisherman can fish, and the government is depending on scientist to figure that out.

So basically what the scientist do is they catch a few fishes and put a tag on them. Than in a week they go back to the same area and catch a few more fishes and tag them like they did the other ones. The following week they go back to the same area and observe how many fishes that they have tagged. So if there were 200 fishes and there were at least 10 that had been tagged, they'll assume that if there were another 200 fishes there would be another 10 fishes that will have tags on them.
They can then estimate that there are about four hundred fish living in that habitat according to the website

"Counting the fish in the sea."
By using up our supply of fishes, in the next 40 years or so, there will not be enough fishes for the next generation to feed for themselves and their families. Its also important to keep in mind that when there is a decline or shortage of certain fishes in the sea, it may also affect other fishes or sea creatures who depends and feed off them too. So if one species of fish disappear, many fishes and sea creatures will surely disappear afterward too.

Sheridan, Kerry. "Fewer big fish in the sea, scientists say ." dailytelegraph.com. N.p., 02/19/2011. Web. 5 May 2011. <http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news/fewer-big-fish-in-the-sea-scientists-say/story-e6freuyi-1226008507172>.

"Counting the fish in the sea." www.neaq.org. New England Aquariam, 02/19/2011. Web. 5 May 2011. <http://www.neaq.org/education_and_activities/games_and_activities/activities/counting_the_fish_in_the_sea.php>.

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